Sunday, October 18, 2015

"F" is for Frisbee

Students recently studied the letter "F." They practiced the sound of the letter and how to write it.  Students also came up with their own words that started with F. In PE they worked on Frisbee throw.  This came at a fun time because all-school picnic buddies visited during PE time and stayed to work with some of the students.  College students from Friends University also came to work with some of the classes and that was very helpful.  We worked on the correct technique for Frisbee throw, as well as playing fun games like indoor Frisbee Golf and The Frightful Frisbee Throw. Throwing a Frisbee can sometimes be a challenging skill for young children, so please encourage this activity during play time while the weather is still warm.

 Some words that start with "F."

 Students practiced writing the letter "F."

 A Middle School students aims for the cone with his partner during Frisbee Golf.

 This picnic buddy helps his friend with the correct form for throwing a Frisbee.

 "The Frightful Frisbee Throw" had students knocking Halloween items off of cones.

 Even a hurt leg did not stop this person from playing our game.

 What great form!

 Kindergarten students loved aiming for the Halloween items.

This student knocked off the eyeball.

This student hit the black cat bucket and gets to take it back to her cauldron.