Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Physical Education - A Landmark Year"

Welcome to the new school year.  2017-18 is sure to be an exciting year in Early Childhood Physical Education.  Our theme for the year is "Physical Education - A Landmark Year."  Students will be traveling around the United States learning about different landmarks that have made our country interesting and fun.  They will do all of this through physical activity, continuing to work on basic skills like ball skills, cooperative games, rhythms, locomotor skills, dance, and manipulatives. I'm excited to be learning right along with the children.

Be sure to check out the bulletin board in the west hallway to see the various locations we will visit this year.  There is also a place where teachers and staff have brought a picture of some of the landmarks they have visited.  When I begin this unit of study with my students after September 15, I will invite them to bring a picture of themselves or their family at any of the locations on the board. I will post them on the wall and we will see how many locations we can accumulate throughout the year. We're going to have fun!

There are 26 landmarks we will discuss this year in Physical Education.
Many teachers have posted pictures of locations they have visited.