Friday, December 8, 2017

The Liberty Bell

In Physical Education, students have been learning about the famous Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  We've talked a lot about how it is a symbol for freedom and how it even stood for freedom before we won the Revolutionary War and earned our independence from England. They know about the big crack in the bell and how the last time the bell was rung was in 1846 on George Washington's birthday.  As a teacher, I've learned that Pennsylvania is a hard word for student's to remember and chuckled when someone told me that the bell was located in Transylvania.  So cute...but historically inaccurate! 

In class we worked with jump ropes on a skill called a bell jump.  Students practiced jumping over the rope as it moved gently from side to side.  This is a precursor to learning to jump the rope with people turning the rope.  If you have a chance to encourage this activity at home, it would be helpful.  Rhythm and timing is an important part of this skill, so additional practice is beneficial.

Students work first to jump over a line with feet together.

Jumping over the rope as it is held by friends.

Working to jump over an individual jump.

Moving on to the skier's jump which has students jumping sideways.

The skier's jump.