Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Johnny Appleseed Day

September 26 is Johnny Appleseed Day.  Students learned that there really was a person named John Chapman who, in the late 1700's and early 1800's, was referred to as Johnny Appleseed.  He actually did walk throughout the eastern part of the United States planting apple seeds, planning orchards, and selling apple trees.  Check out the link below for more information.

In Physical Education, there were different activities for various classes.  Some classes used squeezable foam apples and worked on throwing and catching with a scoop.  They did this on their own and with a partner.  Other classes worked on balance, as I used foam balance boards to make a tree and branches with apples.  Students had to walk along the balance boards and pick up apples to bring back to their bucket.

A good throw helps a good catch.

This person is thinking about moving her feet to get the apple in the scoop.

Total concentration.

This student totally focuses on the apple.

An apple heads for the scoop.

We made an apple tree from a balance beam and foam balance boards.  
Squeezeable apples were added to the branches.

 Students walked along the branches to pick up apples.

 What incredible balance.

 Stepping carefully along the main trunk of the tree helps this person stay balanced.

Picking a yummy apple.

These students work on tossing and catching the apple without the scoop.