Thursday, October 4, 2018

National Golf Lover's Day and National Taco Day - October 4, 2018

October 4, 2018, is National Golf Lover's Day.  Students worked on putting the golf ball into various types of holes.  They are learning about proper grip, stance, and bringing the golf club back slowly and striking the ball as they follow through.  This is a challenging skill but students enjoy it.

 The golfers smile before putting their golf ball.

The ball heads towards the cup.

Great form!  The grip is correct, the stance is relaxed and in a straddle position, and the head stays down looking at the ball all the way to the cup.  Nicely done!

Celebrating the golf ball into the cup!  Great job!


National Taco Day was also recognized on October 4, so we did some fun taco activities.  Students ran a relay where they worked with a teammate to assemble a taco.  We used a folded over poly spot for the taco shell and beanbags as the ingredients.  Brown = meat, green = lettuce, red = tomatoes, yellow = cheese, and blue = sour cream (sorry, no white beanbags).  If ingredients fell out while running with the taco, the runner had to stop and put the taco back together in the correct order.  I was surprised at how much fun students had with this relay.  

Maybe your family can enjoy tacos tonight!

The first person in each line runs to add the meat (the brown beanbag) to the taco shell (folded over orange poly spot) and return to the line to hand the taco to the next person who continues the process.

This person adds the lettuce to the taco shell that already has the meat.

So far this runner has the meat, lettuce, tomato, and cheese.  
Her next teammate will add the sour cream.  What a delicious taco!

This team wins the taco making relay.

 Another activity was the soft taco roll-up.  Students had to roll in a straight line while a small towel wrapped, unwrapped, and re-wrapped around their body as they rolled.  
Staying in a straight line was a very challenging skill.

Click here for a few more pictures of our Taco activities

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