Tuesday, April 21, 2020

An Obstacle Course Challenge

Over the past few weeks, I have received a couple of videos from families who have made their own obstacle course.  One was inside (video-April 3 post) and the other outside (video-April 17 post).  Since the weather is supposed to be nice for most of this week, I thought it would be fun to challenge you to make your own obstacle course using equipment that you have at home.  You might have stationary items in your back yard like a swing set, climbing wall, trampoline, slide, tunnel, or monkey bars.  You can add sports equipment like balls, Frisbees, goals, hula hoops, jump ropes, swim noodles, or cones, and use ordinary home materials like a hose for a tight rope, trash cans to run around, small bricks to jump over, boxes to crawl through, or lawn chairs to go under.  Use your imagination, let children help design the course, and remember that an obstacle course does not have to be long.  It simply challenges children to move in different ways and at different levels.  You can also add in some skills that children are currently working on like throw, catch, kick, strike, or dribble.  If you choose to do this on a day that is chilly or rainy, try making your course indoors.

Have fun making an obstacle course.  

If you want, send me a picture or short video and I will try 
to post it on one of my Friday "Spartans in Action" blogs. 
I can't wait to see the creativity from all of you!