Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Learning Rules and Procedures for Physical Education

The first two weeks of the school year are always spent learning the rules and procedures for Physical Education.  This is always done through modeling and games.  Students in this picture are circled around Daisy the duck,  Students self-evaluate each day and touch Daisy if they had a day where they listened and followed directions.  Students also learn about Inspector Respect who reminds them to listen and follow directions and respect everyone's right to learn, Topsy Turtle who encourages students to try their best, Shoo Fly who reminds students not to tattle and to talk out problems with others, Happy Hearts whose message is treat each other with love and kindness, and Healthy Hands that encourages proper hand washing and the use of the elbow or a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes.  All of these visual aids are posted on the wall of the gymnasium to remind students of our rules.

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