Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Kindergarten Students Check Out Jump Rope For Heart

Mrs. Anneler's Class Visits the Collegiate Jump Rope for Heart.

On Valentine's Day, Lower School students participated in the 30th annual Jump Rope For Heart.  In conjunction with this event, students also did basketball activities in support of the American Heart Association's Hoops for Heart.  It was such a great event.  Steve Walsh from Advanced DJ Services provided music for the children to enjoy while they jumped rope and participated in the many fun activities. Physical Education majors from Wichita State University came to assist students with rope turning, basketball games, scooter races, cup stacking, and general encouragement.  Kindergarten students were invited to visit the event so they could see what they will get to do when they enter first grade. 

Congratulations to the Wichita Collegiate School students who raised over $17,000 to help fight heart disease and stroke.  Collegiate's contribution to the American Heart Association over the past 30 years has been absolutely amazing!