
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Read and Romp Day 2015 - AM


Read and Romp Day is a wonderful, collaborative event between the physical education department and the library.  Children come to the gymnasiums and listen to short picture books that are read by volunteers. This is followed by a physical activity that is chosen to go along with the story. This year children ran an obstacle course, did a dance to the "Big Underwear" song, tried to ring a unicorn's horn, balanced peacock feathers or played pin the feather on the peacock, had a matching relay, moved in different ways and did sign language, had box car relays, and tapped glow in the dark balloons to the "Glow Worm" song. Students also enjoyed a snack in our train station. Children made beautiful artwork to decorate this area.  Thank you to the many people who assisted in making this event so fun and successful. What a great day!