
Sunday, October 18, 2015

"P" is for Parachute

If there is one activity that all children love to do it seems to be the parachute.  When students began studying the letter "P" the parachute became the perfect activity for this letter. It's fun shaping the parachute into waves, a mushroom, igloo, dome, turtle, spider, and many other forms.  We've "popped popcorn" and played games like Cat and Mouse.  The smile on the faces of the children shows me that this is one of their favorite activities.

Students discussed words that began with the letter "P."

Students practice writing the letter "P."

Students learn about the overhand grip.

 Walking and turning with the parachute is fun.

 Raising the parachute into a mushroom.

 Our university helper threw some yarn balls on the parachute to see what they would do.

Yarn balls on the parachute look like popcorn when the parachute is shaken.