
Monday, January 18, 2016

Preparing for Pioneer Day


Students are currently preparing for Early Childhood Pioneer Day which will be held in the south gym on Friday, January 29, the 155th birthday of the state of Kansas.  The morning will be exciting as children learn about activities from the pioneer days.  There will be butter making, corn grinding, washing clothes on a washboard, singing pioneer songs, listening to a storyteller, apple peeling, petting barnyard animals, and hearing all about quilting.  Physical activities will include pioneer games like jump rope, hop scotch, marbles, fishing for magnetic fish, pick up sticks, button pulls, calf/steer roping, and horse races on the hippity-hops.  At the end of the morning, all children, faculty, staff, and guests are invited to scatter square dance.  Everyone is invited to dress up for this very special day.  Suggestions for attire include blue jeans, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, pioneer dress, apron, bandanna, sheriff badge, vests, chaps, coonskin cap, jean skirt, jean jacket, cowboy shirt, or flannel shirt.  Dressing up is always optional. Please remember that nothing is allowed that might look like a weapon.  Feel free to stop by and visit this very special event.  If you would like to volunteer to assist, please notify the Early Childhood office.


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