
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Healthy Choices Game

Students recently played a game in Physical Education called Healthy Choices.  This game worked on ball skills while deciding if a picture was a healthy or unhealthy choice.  If the photo showed a healthy choice then the student worked on tossing and catching.  If the choice was unhealthy, then students worked on bounce and catch or dribble. Students rotated to different cards and had lots of opportunities to make choices.  This was a good game because it not only worked on skills, but created an opportunity for much discussion among the class.  Choices included things like eating fruits and vegetables, crossing at a cross walk, swimming with a buddy, smoking, standing outside in lightning, playing music too loud, brushing teeth, too much time in the sun, and many more.  If you happen to have a child that reminded you that daylight savings time was the time to change the batteries in your smoke detector, it is probably because we discussed this as a healthy choice.