Monday, February 27, 2017

The Early Childhood Pancake Race

In recognition of the annual Pancake Race between Liberal, Kansas, and Olney, England, physical education classes held their own pancake races.  The cool weather limited many classes to participation in the gymnasium on Monday and Tuesday morning, but with warmer weather in the afternoon, we were able to move outside.  

The annual race between Liberal and Olney has been going on for 67 years.  Ladies run through their town with an apron and scarf on, carrying a frying pan with a pancake in it.  All runners are timed and the lady with the fastest time, between the two countries, is crowned the international pancake race champion.  Liberal still leads in total number of wins 37-29.  

The actual pancake race between Liberal and Olney was held today, February 28, but there is no international winner.  Unfortunately, there was a problem with the timing of the race in Olney and the winner's time was unable to be officially recorded.  The result is a draw between the two towns. This is the second time that there has been a "No Winner" due to a problem.  Hopefully, next year's race will run more smoothly.  Nevertheless, our students had a great time and looked fabulous dressed in their scarves and aprons.

Ms. Meisch's class poses with their skillets and 
pancakes before moving outside for the race.

Mrs. Drew's class gets ready for the race.

Nice weather allows some classes to race outside.

 A big smile before the race!

 These winners take a breather after running.