
Thursday, September 21, 2017

First Stop On Our Landmark Tour - Route 66

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students have started talking about Route 66 in Physical Education.  This is the first stop on our imaginary trip through the United States to visit famous landmarks.  They learned that this famous road traveled through 8 states, starting in Chicago, Illinois, and finishing near the Santa Monica Pier in California. They learned of the road's importance during the dust bowl when it was well traveled by people leaving their states and traveling to places of greater opportunity.

I picked out some unique spots along historic Route 66 and set up stations outside pertaining to these locations. Students worked on throwing balls and beanbags, catching yarn balls, throwing Frisbees, balancing, jumping, running, and abdominal strength, along with some fine motor skills.  It was fun!

 Driving the hula hoop car along Route 66 to the different locations.

 Working on abdominal strength by doing rocking chairs at the 
world's second largest rocking chair in Cuba, Missouri.

Throwing beanbags into the Big Blue Whale in Catoosa, Oklahoma.

Building a teepee at the Wigwam Village Motel in Holbrook, Arizona.