
Monday, November 20, 2017

The Boston Tea Party

What fun students have had learning about our next landmark, Boston Harbor.  They've been studying the Boston Tea Party and have taken great interest in it.  This required some background information on the colonies, King George III, and taxation.  In my simplest terms, I tried to explain how taxes work, so if you go to the grocery store, a restaurant, or to Starbucks, show your child the receipt so they can see how much extra you have to pay beyond the price on the shelf or menu.  Discuss with them how those taxes are used.  

In Physical Education, we used this opportunity to stage our own Boston Tea Party.  First, we worked indoors on the two handed overhand throw, like is used in basketball.  Then we moved on to our "ship" where students threw tea boxes overboard in to our imaginary ocean.  Fifth grade history students, and Mrs. Martha Leaf, came outside to help students with proper throwing form and measure each student's throw.  It was such a fun inter-divisional activity.  Some classes dressed up in Indian headbands and vests because they knew that those involved in the actual Boston Tea Party had boarded the ships at night disguised as Indians.  

Mrs. Leger's class with their 5th grade helpers.

 Mrs. Ghosh's class with their 5th grade helpers.

 Mrs. Gray's class with their 5th grade helpers.

 A box of tea sails out over the ocean.

 Taking pride in a good throw.

Fifth graders helped by dressing up in period hats and measuring the throws.

 Thank you 5th grade helpers who measured and recorded the distances of the throws.

Students first started working on the two handed overhand throw by using a ball.

Heave ho! Over the side it goes.