
Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Lesson on the Alamo

Our imaginary trip to Texas took us to the most popular tourist attraction in Texas, the Alamo, in San Antonio.  Students learned that it was once a mission that was much bigger. Only part of the church remains from the original structure.  A famous battle, starting on February 23, 1836, took place at the Alamo between approximately 200 Texans and General Santa Ana's army of over 1,600 soldiers from Mexico.  This was a battle over the territory of Texas that lasted 13 days.  Although this is not a battle that we won, it paved the way for a bigger battle that was later won by US troops, resulting in the annexation of Texas by the United States.  Students also learned about the phrase "Remember the Alamo" that was supposedly used by leaders as a motivational saying in battles following the original Alamo battle.

In Physical Education we worked on the overhand throw and set up our own Alamo using mats.  Some students were inside the Alamo and others were outside.  The idea of the activity was to throw balls inside the mats if you were outside and the reverse for others who were inside the Alamo.  We talked about good form and stepping in opposition.  In the end, we looked to see which side had the least amount of yarn balls on their side.  Students enjoyed this game.