
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Kentucky Derby Reminder and Schedule

This is the week for our Kentucky Derby so students are reminded to bring their hats for this very special event.  One of my favorite pictures is the one of students sitting in our grandstand all decked out in their hats.  Remember that hats can be simple, fancy, decorated, silly, or plain.  There is no special requirement.  Hats can be brought any time this week.  The following classes will come to the gym during their Physical Education time on these days:

Thursday                                          Friday___
Mrs. Burcham AM and PM            Mrs. Kotkin
Mrs. Freed                                     Mrs. Snyder
Mrs. Manamperi AM and PM         Mrs. Collier
Mrs. Zarei                                       Mrs. Reeder
Ms. Ritter                                        Mrs. Johnson
Mrs. Gallagher                                Mrs. Ghosh
Mrs. Dennill                                     Mrs. Gray
                                                        Mrs. Leger      

A class from last year poses in the grandstand before their Kentucky Derby.

 The display cases in the Early Childhood hallway show examples of hats that might be worn at the "Run for the Roses.