Sunday, April 29, 2018

"Operation Cooperation" Kindergarten Field Day

Once again the Kansas weather made it difficult for our "Operation Cooperation" Kindergarten Field Day to be held outside, but students, faculty, and volunteers still enjoyed the 23 stations that were moved into the gymnasium and surrounding hallways and rooms.  The medical theme was such a great idea and students had a wonderful time working together on the many activities.  They were a little disappointed that they did not get to do the water activities outside (since it was raining) but I promised them we would do them later in the week.

Thank you to our many volunteers who helped make the day so special for our students.  Thanks, also, to the many parents and teachers who donated medical supplies or fun equipment to make the event more realistic.  Your assistance was greatly appreciated.

 Tongue depressor relay                  A visit to the dentist

Pharmacy Color Sort                                Germ Relay

 Bandage Wrap                     Dress Up Relay

Ambulance Run                   Bandaid Match-up

Say "AH" Frisbee Throw                            Operation                 

 Doctor, Doctor, Nurse                        Nutrition Throw    

Run to the Emergency Room "STAT"                   The Heimlich Maneuver

 The Bone Match                  Catch the Eyeball

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away             The Gurney Relay                         

 Enjoying Popsicles at the end of the event.