Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hug a Vegetarian Day

Friday, September, 28, was National "Hug a Vegetarian Day."  Kindergarten students played a game called "Vegetarian Tag."  Working on soccer skills, student used different colors of balls to dribble with their feet around the gymnasium.  Red and green stood for vegetables, blue and yellow for fruits, and white for sugar.  When I called out certain colors, those colors were "it" and those students dribbled about trying to touch a different person with their ball.  If that happened, that person had to do 3 jumping jacks before returning to the game.  When the white ball (processed sugar) was called, everyone got to pick up their ball and run.  At that point, everyone was it so anyone could touch anyone and that person had to do 3 jumping jacks.  It was a very active game.  We will play it again at a later date.

Students dribble balls around with their feet.  Red and green are vegetables, blue and yellow are fruits, and white is sugar.  

 Students use the inside of their feet to tap the ball as they move about.

 Two vegetables dribble past each other.

 RUN!!!  The white ball is processed sugar.

If tapped by a colored ball that was called out as "it," a person had to do 3 jumping jacks before returning to the game.