Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Holiday Games - Gingerbread tag and Snowball Fight

The Gingerbread Man is such a traditional story that we needed to use it as one of our holiday activities.  I read an adaptation of this book called The Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett.  Many prekindergarten students were familiar with this story but enjoyed hearing it again.  Afterwards, children played a gingerbread tag game.  We started with one tagger (Mattie, the child in the story) and the rest of the children were gingerbread men.  Those students called out "Run, run, run as fast as you can.  You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man." The students ran to the opposite side of the gym with Mattie trying to tag them.  If caught, children became the other characters in the story (cat, dog, goat, pig, fox, etc.)  and joined the tagging side.  At the end of the game it was fun to see which students ended up not being tagged.

 The taggers prepare to tag the gingerbread men and women as they run to the other side of the gym.

 The taggers, who are using the foam frisbees for tagging, chase the 
gingerbread men (and women) as they run to the opposite side of the gym.

These two students ended up being safe from the taggers.

We don't often get enough snow in the Wichita area to have a snowball fight so we decided to have one in PE.  We played a song called The Christmas Paper Party and each child used a large piece of paper to help act out the words to this song and dance.  Students jogged, did high knees, reached high and low, and did the twist.  The surprise was at the end when students got to wad their paper into a ball and have a snowball fight.  They loved this activity.

I read the book Snowmen at Christmas.

The papers go high.

The papers hit the knees.

Students walk forward on the wrapping part of the song.

This student shakes the paper high.

Snowball fight.

This student takes aim at me.
 Everyone joins in the fun!