Today is World Penguin Day, a day to marvel at the beauty, playfulness, and devotion of these wonderful birds. Students watched a short video about penguins. They learned about the various types of penguins and that they are mammals and lay eggs. They also learned that they live in the Southern hemisphere of our planet, with many of them enduring the cold temperatures of Antarctica. We visited about the importance of protecting the egg and keeping it warm and safe from predators, and how both the male and female penguin share this responsibility. One activity that students did was a penguin egg race, walking and keeping the egg between the feet. They practiced sitting on the egg to keep it safe and warm. Another class passed a penguin egg around in a circle while sitting down and using only their feet. It was harder than it looked.
This class prepares to start the penguin egg race.
This class poses with their eggs.
The class races to the finish line, carefully carrying the egg between their feet.
Flippers out and feet turned in. This penguin will waddle her way to the finish line.
This student is in the correct position as he carefully moves forward.
This penguin sits on the egg to keep it warm.
One student turns to pass the egg and the other one turns to receive it.
This was a coordinated effort to pass and receive the egg.
We tried to get several eggs going around the circle at once.