Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Working on Procedures

This week we began working on procedures appropriate for the hallway, restroom, and gymnasium. Developing good practices in these locations helps our students stay safe and understand the importance of listening, following directions, and cooperating in a group setting. Understanding rules and procedures for various locations (or situations) will help children have a good year.  They will know what is expected of them.

3.1 Walking Speed

We started first with the practice of walking 3.1 miles per hour in the hallways.  This is normal walking speed.  I stood down the hall from the students and pretended to use a speed detector as children walked towards me. (It was really a toy plastic drill.) They thought this was fun and silly, especially if I beeped when someone was going too fast or slow.  It is important for children to learn to keep pace with the rest of the class so they do not get ahead of or behind the group.

Students walk 3.1 miles per hour down the hallway.

Mrs. Wagner stands behind the door with her pretend speed detector.  No speeders here.


As students enter the gym each day, there are signs at the door of two ducks - OOPS and DAISY.  DAISY means they plan to have a good day by making good choices about listening, following directions, etc.  OOPS means they do not.  Students touch DAISY as they enter the gym to indicate that they will give their best effort during Physical Education. Later, when they leave class, they will self evaluate and touch OOPS or DAISY again.  Students love having a Daisy Day.

 This student plans to have a good day in PE.

This student shows his pride when doing his best in PE.

Instant Activity

Once inside the gym door, there is a sign with a picture that shows students what to do or where to go.  This way, students can start quickly without a lot of explanation from the teacher.  This week we are using the jogging sign.

Students stop to notice the jogging sign before entering the gym.

The blue line is where students jog.

Using the Restrooms

We've been talking about procedures for using the bathrooms in the gymnasiums.  Students are figuring out which restroom is for girls or boys and learning to open the doors carefully by pushing in the middle of the door and staying clear of the edges.  They're also learning about washing hands after using the restroom.

 A careful push in the center of the door helps this child enter the restroom safely.

Washing hands is an important part of the restroom procedure.

Lining Up at the End of Class

To prepare to wait for the teacher and return to the classroom, we have line-up procedures.  After touching OOPS or DAISY, students line up on numbers against the wall by the door.  We call this wall the "QUIET WALL" because this is where students listen for directions from the teacher.  We finish our day with a cheer "Hooray for a Daisy Day."

Numbers are on the wall and floor to show children where to line up when it's time to go.

Students finish the day with the "Hooray for a Daisy Day" cheer.