It was fun to watch the children at today's Early Childhood pep rally. They sang, danced, drummed, and cheered throughout the whole event, and even sang Happy Birthday to our new head of school, Nathan Washer. It was also great to see the upper school student representatives from football, dance, cheer, and band. They shared their favorite early childhood memory with our students. All of the representatives were seniors and had been at Collegiate since preschool. Spartan mascot, SPARTY, also made an appearance, along with head football coach, Troy Black, and cheer leading coach, Ashleigh Hennessy. Many thanks to all of these individuals. Hopefully, this event has helped prepare children for what they will see at this Friday's homecoming pep rally which will follow the all-school picnic.
Click on the video to hear the students sing "Happy Birthday" to Mr. Washer.
Click on the video to see a "snip it" of our early childhood pep rally drum line.
Upper School students wait in the hallway to run through the spirit banner.
Coach Black speaks at the rally as upper school students
wait to share their favorite memories of early childhood.
The school mascot, SPARTY, visited our event.
The drum line joins in on the cheer "Go, Big, Blue."
Students show their enthusiasm as they cheer for the Spartans.
Student helpers hold up signs to let everyone know what chant to yell.
Students end the Spartan Spirit Song with a big "YEAH."
We're #1 is a classic cheer leading chant.
The pep rally ends with the singing of the school alma mater, "Dear Collegiate."
I was proud of the way students sang with great pride.