Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Spain - Uno, Dos, Tres Calabaza

For the past two days in Physical Education, students have been playing a game that is played in Spain, as well as Mexico.  The game is called "Uno, Dos, Tres, Calabaza" and means "1, 2, 3, Pumpkin."  This game is similar to a game in the USA called "Red Light, Green Light."  

After finding Spain on the map and determining that it was on the continent of Europe, one student was selected to be the pumpkin.  That person stood with his/her back to the rest of the class and called out "Uno, Dos, Tres" as children ran to sneak up on the pumpkin.  When the person called out "calabaza" he/she turned to look for classmates who were moving.  If anyone was caught, that person had to return to the starting line.  The first person to touch the pumpkin was the new calabaza. Older students spoke the words in Spanish, while younger students said "1, 2, 3, pumpkin."

 A student stands with the pumpkin ready to call out the numbers.

 The player with the pumpkin turns to try and catch 
children running or moving as they sneak up on him.

This player reaches to touch the player with the pumpkin 
before she can finish saying "Uno, Dos, Tres, Calabaza."