Saturday, March 28, 2020

#1 - Spartans in Action

Thank you for sending videos and pictures of your children being physically active.  Every time I receive one it makes my day.  I plan to occasionally post photos of students participating in physical activity.  Be sure to let me know if it is acceptable to post a photo or a short video.  I will honor your request.  Here are a few I have viewed so far.
Keep up the good work!

One of our students does the Spartan Spirit Routine.  
She even dressed in Collegiate colors.

  Planting flowers in the garden and learning to ride a two wheeler.

Going on a "Signs of Spring" scavenger hunt and taking pictures.

Fill in the form with photos your child takes, find pictures in a magazine, or simply 
put a star or smiley face on the square when the item from nature is observed.

This student starts many mornings with "Cosmic Kids Yoga.".  This is a program some of 
the children already do at school.  Click here for a link to the Cosmic Kids Yoga website.  
If you just Google it, there are many free videos.

Practicing with a "SKIP IT."