
Friday, March 27, 2020

A fun soccer idea - Light Sabre Tag

Parents: This week I have provided several activities for soccer since it is the national sport of Brazil and played by many children there.  Be sure to click back on older posts to view other games or suggestions for activities.  You may not be able to do everything at the time I post, but the ideas will be there when you need them.  Have fun!  

Light Sabre Tag

1. Lines from start to finish should be as far apart as your area will allow.

2. Each child has a soccer ball except one player who has a swim noodle (halves work best) that acts as the light sabre.  (Note: Do not use a stick or bat when playing this game.  Use something soft.  Even a paper towel or wrapping paper tube will work.)

3. On the word “go” players start to dribble from one line across to the other.  Stress control and using the insides of the feet. 

4. The person with the noodle attempts to tag the soccer ball of any dribbler traveling to the opposite side.  Do not tag the person – just the ball.

5. Any player whose soccer ball is touched by the light sabre must return to the starting line.

6. Change positions often so everyone can have a chance to tag with the light sabre.

7. Remember that any kind of ball will work for dribbling.  A soccer ball is not a requirement.

8. If outside, be sure to supervise children if the playing area is near a street.

9. Playing this game in PE, I found a Star Wars light sabre sound effect app on my phone.  The children loved it when I played it before I said “go.”

10. Option: Set up a goal, pylons, or anything else that designates a goal area, just past the line and have anyone who makes it to the line attempt to kick the ball in to the goal.

11. Option: Play this same game on the driveway hand dribbling a basketball or any other kind of ball that bounces.

 Pool noodles have many uses in Physical Education.  I usually use half a pool noodle.  
They cut easily in half with a serrated knife, but be careful. This should only be done by an adult.

This is a good time of year to purchase inexpensive pool
noodles, as they are readily available at many discount stores.

REMINDER: If your child is staying physically active or doing one of the ideas that I have posted, please email me a picture or video.  I know I will enjoy seeing my students in action.