
Monday, March 2, 2020

Mantili - Cyprus

Students are currently learning about Cyprus, an island just south of Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its location, this country is considered part of the continent of Europe. We adapted a game called "Mantili". Students divided into two teams with each team having picture cards of a fact about Cyprus (example: their flag is one of only two flags in the world with their country on the flag). I gave a verbal clue about the country and students had to determine whether their card was the one I was referring to.  If their card was the correct one, they ran to the center of the playing area to grab a bandanna from atop a cone and run back to their line.  The player who did not get the bandanna chased after the person who got it and tried to tag him.  A new card was then called.  Some kindergarten classes added basketball dribbling to this game and had to approach the bandanna while dribbling.  It was challenging.  Students learned some fun facts about Cyprus.

The player on the right has grabbed the bandanna first and will run back to her team's line.  
The other player will pursue and attempt to tag the player who has the bandanna.