
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Read and Romp Day is Monday March 9

Monday, March 9, is my favorite day of the school year - Early Childhood Read and Romp Day.  This is such an amazing day, with students coming to the gyms to listen to volunteers read short books and play simple games that coordinate with the book.  Children, teachers, and volunteers all seem to have a great time at this event as students rotate through the ten different stations set up throughout the gyms and annex.  The morning event will start at 8:30 and the afternoon session will begin at 12:30.  Please make sure your children are at school on time so they do not miss any part of this very fun event.  All volunteers should report to the south gym one half hour before the start of Read and Romp.  Be sure to wear tennis shoes.  Mrs. Mould, our early childhood librarian, and I are very excited.  It's going to be a fun day!

Listed below are the times for all classes:

Morning groups (8:30)                 Afternoon groups (12:30)
Kotkin                                           Montessori All Day and PM                 
Reeder                                           Gallagher
Newlin                                           Abdul
Graham                                          Zarei
Montessori AM                             Johnson
Freed                                             Ghosh