Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Fun Fitness Activity Video from the Internet

Although I usually provide most of my own ideas for physical activity for students, being at home has afforded me many opportunities to research physical activities on the internet. Occasionally, I come across some ideas that are interesting, different, or entertaining.  I am providing a Safe YouTube link to a video that lets children choose their favorite character between three options.  After 10 seconds to choose their favorite, students do an exercise video that pops up in the square of the character of their choice.  After 30 seconds of exercise, 3 new choices will appear, along with 3 new exercises.  This continues for about 7 minutes, leading to quite a workout.  I realize that some of the exercises will be hard for my students but let them try the best they can.  If an exercise is too hard, have them pick one from another square or simply adapt the exercise in the square they chose.  The important thing is that they are moving and being active.

One of the things that drew my attention to this video is the options that it gave children.  It lets people make different choices and not everyone has to do the same thing.  Participants have to put some thought into their choices and I like that. In addition, not all the characters are superheros.  Some are TV, movie, cartoon, or Disney characters.