
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

May Activity Calendar from SHAPE America and Information on the Upcoming "Family Fun Field Day - One Minute Challenges"

The national Physical Education professional organization is called SHAPE America.  It stands for Society of Health and Physical Educators.  Each month they put out an activity calendar for students, with suggested activities that can be done as a family.  Some of the exercises might be a bit challenging for our age group, but feel free to adapt or change them to the interest or ability of your child.  Remember it is the effort that counts, along with the attitude of "exercise helps make us healthy" that we are trying to instill in young children.  Let them know you appreciate their best effort.

Run off the calendar linked below and place it in a location where you are reminded to do the activity each day.  Let your child put a star, happy face, or sticker on any day that he/she completes the suggested task.  At the end of the month your child can count up the days of completed assignments.  You can also record other forms of physical activity throughout the day. An exercise calendar or log is a great way to see if your child is getting the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day.



Each year Kindergarten participates in an afternoon of indoor and outdoor games that we call Field Day.  Since we missed it this year, I have put together a virtual field day that will go out to you this week as part of the Fun Friday early childhood events.  Everyone can participate.  It will not be a traditional field day, however, where you compete against others.  It will be a series of "one minute challenges" that the whole family can do, but the competition is with yourself  to improve your own score.  The equipment needed will be things that you have around the house like laundry baskets, paper plates, water bottles, SOLO cups, bowls, buckets, sponges, and rolled up socks.  An entire list of needed supplies will be included with the field day information, along with a scorecard.  Please be looking for the upcoming information.  I hope you will participate as a family and send me a picture or short video of one of the challenges.  I hope you have fun.

My thanks to the four senior boys who demonstrated all the challenges for the videos and to the head of Early Childhood who videoed them.  Thanks, also, to physical educators around the country who shared ideas for the challenges.