
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Brain Break Activity and Reminder to Practice the Beach Party Dances.

A brain break is described as " A short mental break that is taken during regular intervals of classroom instruction."  These are breaks that you do with children when you can see that they need a change from whatever you are doing.  Brain breaks get children moving and increase blood flow to the brain, thereby refreshing children and helping them refocus on the original task.  I mentioned this in my very first distance learning message when I mentioned my son taking piano lessons from my mother and how she made him run around the outside of the house when he got "antsy" on the piano bench.  When he came back in, he was ready to work.  Mom was ahead of her time.  She already understood brain breaks!!

Below is a brain break activity from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.  It might take some assistance from a parent, but your child(ren) will be busy with this activity and a rainy day is a perfect day to give this brain break a try.  Do each designated exercise only after the chair touches are completed and the child has returned to the starting location.

NOTE - Grapevine and writing the name with the left foot may be a bit challenging for our age children, so feel free to change those skills to something like CRAWL and touch 5 chairs, and jog in place 3 times and try to touch your heel to your bottom.

If you have time, send me a picture of this brain break.

IMPORTANT: I hope you're practicing the four dances we will do via Zoom for the Early Childhood end of year beach party.  
Scroll down to last Sunday's post to view links for the 4 videos.