Sunday, May 8, 2016

"It's A Doggone Good Life" Kindergarten Field Day

The postponement of the kindergarten field day proved to be a good decision as this time the weather was fully cooperative for the “It’s a Doggone Good Life” field day event held Thursday, April 28. Students enjoyed 25 different dog related games including Flea Hop, Fetch, Fill the Water Dish, Dog Catcher, Match the Dog Biscuit, Dog Agility Course, Frisbee Throw, Catch the Dog’s Tail, Here Spot, Iditarod Dog Sled Race, Doggie Tug of  War, and many more. The event finished with everyone enjoying popsicles in the quadrangle. Thanks to everyone for their help in returning all of the equipment to the gym and to the many parent volunteers who helped with this special day. Your assistance was greatly appreciated.
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