Saturday, April 16, 2016

Upcoming Events in Physical Education

"It's a Doggone Good Life" 
Kindergarten Field Day

Kindergarten Field Day will be held on Wednesday, April 27, from 1:00-3:00 on the WCS track and football field. The rain date is scheduled for April 28, should weather prevent us from holding it on the original date. This year's field day theme is "It's A Doggone Good Life" and all events will be about dogs. It's going to be great fun. Children will be asked to dress appropriately for the weather with tennis shoes, a hat, and sunscreen.  A bottle of water will be provided for each student.  Volunteers will be receiving information in the next week but should know that they will be asked to report to the track at 12:15 pm.  The event will end with popsicles in the quadrangle.

Students in Preschool through Kindergarten will soon be participating in our Kentucky Derby event that is held annually in Physical Education.  I make every effort to replicate as much of the real derby as possible, so there will be fancy hats, stick horse races, lemonade mint juleps, a grandstand, homemade binoculars, the singing of "My Old Kentucky Home", the trumpet call, and roses for the winning jockey.  Our "Run for the Roses" has become such a fun tradition over the years and part of it is due to the excitement of learning about the race.  We watch a video, read a book, and each class makes a prediction for this year's winner based on name alone.  The winning class receives roses after the conclusion of the real Kentucky Derby, held the first Saturday in May.  We will hold our Kentucky Derby during PE classes on Wednesday, May 4, and Thursday, May 5.  Get your hats ready!

Early Childhood Mom's Day
This year's theme for Mom's Day is "Discovering Nature With Mom."  All mothers (or another special friend) are invited to come to school from 1:00-2:30 to spend the afternoon with their child(ren). Special activities will be available for everyone to enjoy.  I have put together a "Movin' With Mom" activity scavenger hunt where moms and children will use a picture guide to locate different landmarks on our playground or quadrangle. Once there, both will perform a task together before moving on to find the next landmark. The final location provides a surprise for the child. I hope you will try out this activity with your child and all the other activities, as well. It's going to be a special time for mothers and children. Hope to see you there!