Friday, January 31, 2014

2014 Chinese New Year Parade

January 31, 2014, was the beginning of the Chinese New Year.  This year's celebration, also known as the Spring Festival, is recognizing the year of the horse.  In Physical Education we talked about the Chinese New Year. A book about it was read and a brief video of a parade was shown.  For our parade, students were asked to dress in red or any traditional Asian wear that they might own.  Students carried various musical instruments to make noise, sparkle wands to act as fireworks, Chinese lanterns, ribbon wands, stick horses for the year of the horse, and two different dragons.  Mrs. Wagner lead the parade with a wonderful sounding gong.  Unfortunately, the weather was too frigid to take the parade outside, but we traveled through the halls and entertained the various classes still in session.  When the parade was over, students received a traditional lucky red envelope. Money is usually placed in the envelope but our envelopes had a fortune cookie, two lucky pennies, and a hug coupon redeemable at home with a family member.  Students enjoyed this special day.

Thank you to Miss Sophie, a WSU student who has been helping in the early childhood division.  She is from China and was able to share much information with our students. She brought many items from her homeland.

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