Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Winter Olympics in Physical Education

The 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, provided the perfect opportunity for us to study this historic sporting event in Physical Education.  We watched brief videos of each event and then modified equipment in the gymnasium so that it simulated the actual Olympic event.  Students were encouraged to watch some of the events on television so they could discuss them in class.  I think studying the Olympics in PE helped young children have a better understanding of the events when they saw them on TV or in the newspaper.  The Olympics also helped initiate conversation within families and between friends. Students certainly enjoyed this unit of study.

The Lighting of the Torch and the entry of the Olympic Flag
The Parade of Nations
The Olympic Rings and the Olympic Athletes

Ski Jumping                                                 Luge
Skeleton                                          Four Man Bobsled
Short Track Speedskating                          Cross Country Skiing
Freestyle Skiing - Moguls                        Slalom Skiing
              Figure Skating                       Snowboard Cross    
 Ice Hockey                                     Biathlon

Be sure to look for more pictures of our Olympics on the television monitor at the
entrance of the early childhood building and on the bulletin board in the west hallway.