Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jump In To a Great Year

I hope everyone is ready to "Jump In To a Great Year."   Summer is over and we are ready to get started on learning new activities and information.  This year our theme will be "Fun with Fundamentals."  The emphasis will be on learning and reviewing basic skills that help us with various games and activities.  This is always an important part of PE, but it will be our greatest focus this year.  Don't worry, however, we will still include lessons in Nutrition and Health, as well as our annual traditions like the Kentucky Derby and the Pancake Race.  It's going to be a great year!

This bulletin board, located in the west wing of the Early 
Childhood building, encourages children to select more fruits and 
vegetables when they eat, in an effort to add more color to their plate.  
The bulletin board says, "Brighten Your Day With Color."