Saturday, April 22, 2017

Pre-K Students Work on Tying Shoes

Pre-K students have been working on tying an adult tennis shoe in Physical Education.  I brought all of my tennis shoes to school and we spent a couple of class periods working on this life-long skill.  I even provided tennis shoes for the playground so students could work at recess.  I've spent some time outside working with children but it is paying off.  I'm very proud of the students, as many of them have tied a shoe or are very close.  I'm sending home certificates to all children who complete this task.  You should see their smiles when they finally tie for the first time. It is priceless!  If your child is still working, please help him/her, as this is a skill that provides them with much pride and joy once they have mastered it.  

A big thank you to the teacher's aides, playground supervisors, kid's club staff, and classroom teachers who have been extremely helpful in promoting this skill.