
Thursday, October 5, 2017

A Visit to Roswell, New Mexico

Students are having a good time visiting Roswell, New Mexico, the location for purported suspicious UFO activity in July, 1947.  Reports later stated that the remains of a downed "spaceship" had actually been a weather balloon, but rumors continued to perpetuate the belief that Roswell had been visited by aliens.  The town of Roswell keeps this hoax alive by continuing the theme throughout the town in their restaurants, stores, hotels, and museums.

In Physical Education, we set up an alien/space themed activity circuit.  Students threw Frisbees like flying saucers and tried to score points, threw overhand with a ball into an alien cardboard target, threw underhand with a beanbag into slots in a spaceship cardboard cutout, bounced and caught light up balls, balanced alien boppers on theirs heads as they walked, moved moon rocks with robot arms, walked on moon walker stilts, and hit alien balloons with paddles.  These activities worked gross motor and fine motor skills, along with balance skills.  Everything was such fun!  Thank you to the Physical Education majors from Friends University who came to help our students with these activities.