Sunday, November 11, 2018

American Football Day - November 5, 2018

The week after conferences proved to be a busy one as students continued to warm-up with our Grandparent's Day activities and then move on to skills and activities.  Last Monday, November 5, was American Football Day, a day to recognize the original American Football League, before it merged with the National Football League in 1966 and retained the NFL name and logo.  In Physical Education students worked on throwing and catching a football.  They practiced the correct grip on the football and stepping in opposition on the throw.  Students played catch with each other and later threw to their teacher or aide who acted as the receiver.  Kindergarten students had a lot of fun playing a game where they got to be either the quarterback or the receiver and tried to make a touchdown.  If a pass was completed to the receiver, the quarterback became a defensive back and chased down the receiver, trying to prevent the touchdown.  Students loved it when they scored!  We had so much fun with football activities that we spent the entire week on it.

One student helps another student with proper grip on the football.

This student shows us his grip on the laces.

This student steps in opposition.

This student lets the football soar with an overhand pass.

One student throws the ball while the other one has his hands up ready to receive.

This teacher aide acts as a receiver as students throw their footballs. 
 On occasion, she would catch two balls at one time.  Wow!

 The quarterback throws to the receiver who turns and runs for a touchdown.  
The quarterback changes to a defensive back and tries to chase down the receiver.

A teacher joins in the fun.  She caught a ball and now the
 defensive back is in pursuit trying to prevent a touchdown.