The Early Childhood Mother Goose Parade was held today. Students dressed in fun costumes that
depicted either a Mother Goose rhyme or a fairy tale. The parade was led by Mrs. Mould, our early childhood librarian. The students, teachers,
aides, and administrators looked fabulous in their costumes. One of the highlights of the morning was a
trip to the Enchanted Library which is decorated with vignettes of different
rhymes and stories. We saw “Little Miss
Muffet,” “Jack be Nimble,” “Humpty Dumpty”, “Hickory, Dickory, Dock,” and many
more. It was exciting!
A singing minstrel greets guests with a song as they enter the Enchanted Library.
Click on the play button to hear "Little Bo Peep."
Click on the play button to hear "Little Bo Peep."
This spider does not look so itsy bitsy.
Mother Goose and Mary, Mary Quite Contrary wait for the parade to start.
The baker finds a pumpkin.
Old King Cole and the Queen of Hearts.
Jack fell down and broke his crown. Bummer!!
A butterfly lands among the flowers in Mary's Garden.