Monday, November 12, 2018

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day - November 12, 2018

Today was Chicken Soup for the Soul Day.  This day was designated to recognize the power of chicken soup.  People often use it to warm up or as comfort food when they are not feeling well.  Many people are convinced of its healing powers.  When I talked to the students about this day, the overwhelming response was that chicken soup needs noodles!

Our activity today was a throwing activity called "Chicken Soup."  People often feel that when a student works on throwing and catching, they need a ball.  We proved that was not necessary.  Preschool students tossed and caught a rubber chicken with a partner every time they heard the words "Chicken Soup."  When they heard "Chicken Run," partners held on to their chicken together and jogged around the gym until they heard "Chicken Soup" again.  Everyone continues to work on stepping in opposition as they throw.  This will be an ongoing skill throughout the year.

 This student has caught the chicken by the leg.

 A chicken flies through the air during "Chicken Soup."

"Chicken Run"

 These students are working on stepping in opposition.

 These students share a chicken as they run through the gym.

Catching is such fun!