Tuesday, November 27, 2018

National Day of Listening - November 27, 2018

Although we'd like to think that we are good listeners, sometimes it is not always the case.  So, today is a day specifically devoted to being a good listener.  There is an old slogan that says "There's a reason why we have two ears and only one mouth - so we can listen twice as much as we talk."  Today in PE I visited with the children about the necessity of listening and following directions.  We had a student helper from Friends University who led the students through an activity where they had to listen to different percussion instruments like a triangle, jingle bells, tambourine, maraca, a frog guiro, finger cymbals, or a train or duck whistle.  Each sound had a different movement (walk, jump, gallop, side slide, jog, etc.) and students had to change movements every time the sound changed.  This required students to listen carefully.  Later, a ball, or other piece of equipment, was added to the activity and students had to throw and catch as they moved in various ways.

Our student helper from Friends University shakes the maraca which tells the children to jog.

Students practice the side slide first without equipment.  The side slide sound was the tambourine.

Students walk as they hear the duck whistle.

 Tossing and catching different kinds of equipment made the activity more challenging.

 Fun pieces of equipment like rubber chickens, scarves, light up balls, foam
 rings, and over-sized dice made throwing and catching more challenging.

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