Friday, December 7, 2018

National Cotton Candy Day - December 7, 2018

Today was National Cotton Candy Day.  This special treat was created in 1899 and popularized at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri.  Students learned that Cotton Candy was originally called "Fairy Floss," due to its contents of Floss (or Flossine) sugar.  I was surprised at how many of my students had tasted this fun treat.  Many mentioned trying it at fairs, carnivals, amusement parks, or sporting events.

In Physical Education, afternoon preschool students and all kindergarten classes participated in a straight line relay course where all equipment and the colors in the line were all the same.  It was supposed to symbolize a color of cotton candy. Students went from one end of the line to the other doing the following:

1. Use a straw to blow a cotton ball a specified distance (each child has his/her own straw and cotton ball)  Preschool children fanned the cotton ball with a paper plate.
2. Move to a rubber ball and dribble 5 times
3. Continue to a wiffle ball and catch 5 times
4. Advance to a beanbag and pass it around the waist 5 times
5. Move to a small inverted cone and catch a ball in it one time (this symbolized the cotton candy)
6. Finish with a run to the wall and back.

Distance and number of repetitions was modified for the afternoon preschool children.

 The lines were set up so that each group had a color line that they followed.  
The line was the cotton candy stick.  Students performed various skills along the
 way and ended by making a stick of cotton candy using an inverted cone and ball.

 A group of children start the activity.

 The activity started with the first person in each line
 using a straw to blow a cotton ball to their colored mat.

 Success! The cotton ball has reached the mat.

This student dribbles a rubber ball 5 times.

Tossing and catching a wiffle ball 5 times was a required skill.

 Passing a beanbag around the waist 5 times was one of the required skills.

 The ball must land back in the inverted cone to make cotton candy on the stick.

 Catching the ball in the inverted cone, this student has completed his cotton candy.

After completing the skills, this student ran to the wall and back.