Wednesday, December 5, 2018

International Ninja Day - December 5, 2018

Students loved today's special activities in Physical Education.  It was International Ninja Day!  I set up various Ninja activities for students to try.  They tapped Ninja balloons in the air using a swim noodle as a pretend sword and hanbo, a half-staff used in martial arts.  Striking activities are excellent practice for students, as it allows them to work on tracking an object as it moves through the air.  I love balloons for the preschool through kindergarten levels for this reason.  Students also got to throw some paper ninja stars through a hula hoop.  Once again, children worked on stepping in opposition as they did an overhand throw.  The last activity was a laser beam obstacle course made from red yarn that I strung at various levels between cones and poles.  This was the class favorite.  They loved the challenge of trying to go through the course without touching any of the lasers.  If a string was touched, an alarm (bell) sounded and the student had to try again.  Students had to move in a "stealth" like manner.  We talked about this word so I plan to use it in the future.  

My students enjoyed this day so much that I will do it again tomorrow with prekindergarten children and again on Friday morning with preschool students. I will add links to pictures at the bottom of this page of activities for each day. 

 This student is trying to keep the Ninja balloon in the air using a swim noodle as his sword.

 A hanbo, or half staff, is a long stick used by a ninja.  It is held in the middle.  
This student uses her swim noodle as a hanbo.  
She is really concentrating on tracking the ninja balloon.

 The laser beam course, made from red yarn, required each ninja to move carefully.

 Moving under the laser beams was often a good choice.

 Hooray! This student made it through the laser beam course.

 This preschool student prepares to throw her Ninja star through a hoop.

 Students continued to work on stepping in opposition as they threw the Ninja stars.  
Looking closely, you can see that the star is successfully passing through the hoop.