Monday, December 3, 2018

Let's Hug Day - December 3, 2018

Today, December 3, was "Let's Hug Day."  Preschool children played a tag game in PE that involved tossing and catching.  Children were in partners with one person being the tagger and each having either a beanbag or yarn ball. The person with the beanbag was the tagger. Both students walked as fast as they could tossing and catching to themselves.  When the tagger caught the other person they stopped and did a handshake, high 5, and hug.  After that they exchanged equipment and the other person was the tagger.  This allowed children the opportunity to work on throwing and catching with two different kinds of equipment, as well as dodging a partner in pursuit.  It was fun.

 The person with the bean bag is attempting to tag the person with the yarn ball. 
We practiced this tag game first without tossing the equipment.  Later we added the throw and catch. 

After being tagged, first comes the handshake.

Second comes the high five.

Last comes the hug. Then partners switch equipment and start the tag game over.

Beanbags and yarn balls were added to the tag game to make it more challenging.