Tuesday, December 11, 2018

National Noodle Ring Day - December 11, 2018


When researching this day, I have to admit that I had never heard of a noodle ring.  Evidently, it is a type of noodle casserole made in an angel food or bundt pan.  It is made with various types of noodles, flour, egg, cheese, and seasoning.  It is so thick that when it is turned out of the pan, it sticks together and looks like a cake.  Maybe it tastes amazing, but it certainly looks strange.

We warmed up with some noodle activities, including ring toss onto a cone and working with a partner to catch a foam ring on half of a swim noodle.  It was pretty fun to watch.

For our activity, we played a couple of different holiday games.  Preschool played Grinch tag, using the green foam noodle as the tagging equipment.  Prekindergarten played "Grinches and Whos," a game similar to the old game "Crows and Cranes."  Half of the students were Grinches with green noodles and the other half were the Whos with the blue swim noodles.  They stood back to back and when I called out one name, that team turned and chased the other team to their home base, either Whoville or the Grinch's cave.  If caught, the person had to move to the other team.  Children had fun.  They always seem to enjoy running tag games.

This student prepares to catch the ring.

Keeping his eye on the ring, this student moves his swim noodle into position for the catch.

Throwing the foam ring towards the cone to ring it.

The student holding the green noodle is the Grinch and attempts to tag others.

After being tagged, this student is saved by a student tunneling under.

The Grinch team stands back to back with the Who team.  Which name will be called?

The Who team chases the Grinch team.