Wednesday, December 12, 2018

National Poinsettia Day - December 12, 2018

National Poinsettia Day was first recognized in 2002.  Poinsettias, which came to our country from Mexico over 400 years ago, are a beautiful flower that we usually enjoy during the holiday season.  Red is the traditional color of this flower but it also comes in pink, white, salmon, and a variegated candy cane stripe.  Although it is attractive to the eye, the poinsettia is a poisonous plant that should not be consumed by pets or people.

In Physical Education, students practiced shooting baskets.  For each basket that was made on their team, a poinsettia blossom was added to a picture of a plant with only stems and leaves.  Children felt very successful when their poinsettia plant was complete.  They enjoyed shooting baskets.

Students are aiming for the square on the backboard, hoping it will rebound into the net.

This student made a basket and adds a blossom to her poinsettia plant.

This student's plant is nearing completion.

Hooray!  This group has a beautiful poinsettia plant.

What a beautiful red poinsettia plant.