Saturday, January 5, 2019

National Bird Day - January 5, 2019

Saturday, January 5, is National Bird Day.  Families are encouraged to take a little time to watch the birds and enjoy their many fun characteristics.  Kindergarten students, and some preschool students, celebrated this day on the Friday before.  We talked about some birds that live in our immediate area and identified them with pictures on the board.  Students learned about the state bird, the Western Meadowlark, along with birds like the Cardinal, Blue Jay, Hairy Woodpecker, Hummingbird, and many more.  We discussed helpful hints to identify the birds and also talked about what they like to eat. 

There were two activities planned for this day.  Kindergarten students worked on ball skills.  Cones with pictures of the different birds were set up on the gym floor.  Students had to find the birds that I described on the board and dribble out to them.  Once there, they had to perform a different ball skill like bounce and catch, pass around the waist, alternate hand dribble, etc. Preschool children did the same thing except they used a ball for only some of the skills.  Many times they ran out to the bird and together we did an exercise that simulated an action of that bird. (Example: knee push-up for the robin who bends over to pull worms from the ground)

We will continue this activity next week, as we have several more birds we need to discuss.  It's been interesting and fun.

Students look at some of the birds that live in, or visit, our area.

After hearing what birds to look for, students dribble out towards the various cards.

These girls right hand dribble at the Blue Jay card.

These girls prepare for their ball skill at the Woodpecker card.

These students toss and catch at the Cardinal card.

This student bounces and catches at the Cedar Waxwing card.

Passing the ball back and forth between the hands is what this student does at the House Wren card.

Doing knee push-ups for the American Robin card.

Wiggling like meal worms at the Eastern Bluebird card.

Doing hammer swings like the Cardinal, whose beak is 
strong enough to break open black oil sunflower seeds.

Jumping jacks show how the Woodpecker jumps up and down the tree quickly.