Tuesday, February 19, 2019

International Tug of War Day and SpongeBob Square Pants "Best Friends Day"- February 19, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, was international tug of war day.  The weather did not permit a tug of war activity outdoors as a class, so we had individual tug of wars in the gymnasium using hands or short ropes.  Children simply tried to pull a partner off balance and across a line.  Students still had fun with this activity and enjoyed taking on new partners.

Today was also "Best Friends Day," a day to recognize the friendship between cartoon characters, SpongeBob Square Pants and his special friend, Patrick the Starfish.  Students warmed up with a friendship activity where they had to travel in the gym hand in hand with a friend to complete a task.  They may have had to touch 4 doors with their hands, 3 different red items with their elbows, or something white with their ears.  They did this as quickly as possible, returning to the center circle to receive a new task.  Each time they changed partners they said to their old partner, "Thank you for being my partner, thank you for being my friend."  As they moved to a new partner they said, "Will you be my partner, please."

 Partners shake hands and say "Thank you for being my partner. Thank you for being my friend."

 Partners travel hand in hand to touch 4 different doors.

Students meet at the center circle to choose a new friend.

Students touch the blue door with their ears.