Wednesday, February 20, 2019

National Love Your Pet Day - February 20, 2019

Children love to tell me about their pets, so it was appropriate in Physical Education to celebrate Love Your Pet Day.  I drew pictures on the board of different kinds of pets and we talked about the pets that many children have in their homes.  I reminded students that a pet does not necessarily have to be a dog or a cat.  There are many different options.  We also discussed how having a pet is a big responsibility.

For our activity, we worked on throwing and catching to self, as well as with a partner.  I laid hoops out on the floor and each hoop had a different kind of stuffed animal or beanie baby animal that might be appropriate for a pet.  We called our gym "the pet store."  Animals included were an iguana, turtle, dog, cat, fish, horse, hamster, hedgehog, hermit crab, bunny, parrot, cockatoo, frog, duck, snake, and several more. Students traveled to different hoops where they stopped to execute a certain number of tosses and catches at the various animals.  Sometimes they were by themselves and other times they were with a partner.  It was fun tossing and catching with something other than a ball.  It is still fun, good practice on correct technique for throwing and catching, and helps children work on tracking.

Students enjoyed this activity so much that I plan to continue it with many of my classes on Thursday and Friday.

 Members of this class start at a hoop with an animal at our pretend pet store.

 Students move to the music and prepare to stop at an animal when the music stops.

 This student has chosen the hedgehog.

 Tracking the duck in the air is important for catching it.

 A frog sails through the air as this student keeps his eyes on it as he prepares to catch.

 Students tried hard to remember to step in opposition as they threw to a partner.

 The mouse is on its way to a partner who is ready to catch.

 Hands are ready for the catch as the parrot comes towards this student.